We care about you and your health. This is why Ceimayá has 4 certifications of quality, safety and production of our honeys.
We know that you have placed your trust in us and we want you to be sure that we repay your trust by putting on your table an organic, quality and environmentally responsible product throughout the process of its production.
The certifications we have are:
- Kosher
This certification refers to those foods prepared according to the requirements of the Jewish Law. Likewise, One Kosher certification provides a guarantee of quality and hygiene since they verify with the strictest quality processes in the market.
- Senasica GPP (Good Livestock Practices)
We are proud to have this certification that opens the door to international markets with which Mexico has sanitary protocols.
The principles of Organic Production cover the respect for ecosystems and animals, the maintenance of biodiversity and soil conservation, the limitation of the use of synthetic chemical inputs and the prohibition of the use of genetically modified organisms.
- Mexican Organic Standard LPO (Organic Products Law)
It is mandatory to market organic products in the national territory and is a certification that ensures that the production is complying with the Organic Products Law.